M/s. S.M. Holdings Company Limited (SMH) was incorporated on 30th September, 1996 under Cap 212 of the Companies Ordinance issued with Certificate of Incorporation No. 34882. It started with a cotton processing ginnery based at Nkalalo, Nyambiti, Kwimba District, Mwanza Region with Branch Office in Morogoro Municipality.
Since then SMH has grown to be a multi national company operating in Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia,Uganda and Yemen. The major shareholders are the Nahdi family of Tanzania. The Nahdi family hails from a tradition of cotton production, ginning and marketing of cotton lint. It has established markets in China, Asia India and Europe. Tanzania S.M.Holdings Ltd. started trading cotton since 1995 making it one the of oldest private cotton company in Tanzania.
In 2000 SMH erected its first ginnery at Nyambiti in Kwimba district Mwanza region with 26 Double Roller Bajaj Gin stands and state of the art Press. The Company Owns a fleet of trucks and more than 10 pickup trucks for field operations. In 2008/09 SMH produced 25,000 bales (About 5000mt). To add value to the chain of production in 2004 SMH erected a Double Refinery Oil Mill Plant with 6 * 15 ton expellers capable of producing 90mtons of oil in 8 hours shift, located right next the ginnery extracting double refined oil from cotton seeds and branding it SM Zaidi.
SMH buys processed lint from other suppliers/ginners upcountry and transports to its Dar warehouses where it awaits vessel for shipments. The company has six warehouses with average of 700 square meter each making a total of 4200 square meter enough to accommodate 30,000 bales at any given time.